Jacqueline “Jackie” Lloyd
Supervisor District 1

I am a taxpayer and native of Gunnison, MS. I am a resident in District 1, a 1990 graduate of Rosedale High School and I attended Delta State University where I received a Bachelor of Art Degree in Marketing.
I have been employed as a Casino Host in the Marketing Department at the Isle of Capri Casino for 18 years. I also own and operate Vel’s Soul Food mobile food truck.
I decided to run for Supervisor District 1 because I see a need to improve the overall quality of life for the citizens in Bolivar County District 1. I have served as PTA President of West Bolivar, I served eight years on the Bolivar County Community Action Agency Board of Directors and I’m currently serving my fifth year as the Vice-President of West Bolivar Consolidated School District Board of Trustees.
We must get a grip on the issues that taint our communities such as no ambulance service in rural areas, outdated facilities, limited Economic development, and an adequate educational system for our children, a need of better roads and bridges and to bring businesses to our community which would employ people and increase our County’s tax base.
It is time to stop patching and find the right solution to the problem. On April 11, 2018, Governor Phil Bryant declared State of Emergency ordering county bridges to be closed. There are a total of 53 bridges throughout Bolivar County and 20 bridges are closed according to Office of State Aid Road Construction to address National Bridge Inspection Standards compliance issues concerning the proper inspection and closure of unsafe bridges.
The Census 2020 is coming up and everyone needs to be aware of the importance of the census and its valuable statistics because $675 billion in federal funds annually support states, counties and communities’ vital programs – impacting housing, education, transportation, employment, health care and public policy. Our region Census Low Response Score was 25%.
Here’s why you should vote for me on August 6, 2019 as your next Supervisor of District 1 because my vision is to improve the quality and safety of our community through interactive relationships and information exchange. Encourage Community Collaboration and Partnering. I will fight for every dollar District 1 deserves. “FIGHTING TODAY-FOR A BETTER TOMORROW”